02 9241 2376

Our Services

Magma Capital offers a full range of advisory services covering all facets of debt strategy and financing, risk management and treasury. Below are our key areas of expertise:

Strategic Funding Advice

  • Debt Structure advice
  • Capital Structure analysis
  • Board strategy papers
  • Scoping of bank and non-bank debt markets
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Financial modelling
  • Debt sizing analysis
  • Covenant calibration
  • Debt Price benchmarking
  • Documentation reviews

Financing Execution

  • Refinancing
  • Acquisition financing
  • Asset financing
  • Project Financing
  • Securitisation
  • Receivables financing
  • Structured Finance
  • ESG-linked debt financing
  • Supply chain financing
  • Global bond markets
  • Bank & non-bank financiers
  • Subordinated/mezzanine debt

Transaction Banking

  • Benchmarking to market
  • Managing full tender processes
  • Incumbent bank negotiation
  • Process efficiency review

Risk Management

  • Risk management policies
  • Interest rates, FX & commodities
  • Price checking for new deals & cancellations
  • MTM valuations
  • Hedge effectiveness testing

Credit Positioning

  • Inaugural credit ratings
  • Credit rating defence
  • Debt Financier credit positioning
  • Ratings scenario analysis
  • Debt investor relations

Other Consultancy Services

  • Expert witness
  • Temporary insourcing of skills/expertise
  • Treasury Healthcheck
  • TMS review/implementation advice
  • Outsourcing projects to free up time